Pie charts: ruining credibility ◕ of the time

Author Adam

Bookmark No. 1: Weapons of Math Destruction

In what I hope will be a regular feature, I’m going to use this space to highlight a relevant book I’ve recently read along with some commentary. I don’t pretend to elevate the below post to the height of a… Continue Reading →

Partisan bias vs. journalistic quality

A decent breakdown of all things real and fake news. [via Boing Boing]



The grandfather of the infographic?

I’ve spent quite a lot of time recently researching infographics – trying to get an understanding of what makes a good one (of which the examples are few and far between) and thinking about where infographics go next (after the… Continue Reading →

Curry’s Mid-Range Makeover

This post is not about Steph Curry changing his mid-range jumpshot technique. Instead, it’s about a cool datavis project called Makeover Monday. In honor of the start of the NBA regular season today, I’m going to highlight the Steph Curry… Continue Reading →

The rare informative pie chart

[The datapine blog: Notorious Pie Charts]

Unemployed, uneducated? Trumpastic!

Are you white, middle-aged, and knocking on death’s door? Then you probably voted for Trump, according to this county-level analysis of Super Tuesday results by the Washington Post’s Wonkblog. Only 2 are shown here. Click through to see all 9… Continue Reading →

The Data Visualisation Catalogue

I stumbled upon this great Data Viz resource from Severino Ribecca, tweeting at @dataviz_catalog, which catalogues (love the Brit-English spelling nuances, by the way) an extensive and growing list of data visualisation [sic] methods. Severino isn’t just cataloging (catalogueing?) and… Continue Reading →

Today is the Pi Day you need, maybe not the Pi Day you want

Here’s to having something that *is* more like Pi, not *looks* more like Pi. This Pi Day is Round from Vi Hart on Vimeo.

Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 – The Worst of 2015

Qualitatively and quantitatively, Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 is the hands-down worst movie of 2015, according to the data presented in this fascinating movie data visualization tool from Information is Beautiful. What makes it so bad? Universally panned by critics… Continue Reading →

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