Pie charts: ruining credibility ◕ of the time

Tag boingboing

The Big Red Wave

[not that wave] Beautiful and damning climate visualizations from the Climate Lab Book. We’re boiling the ocean, and the earth, degree by degree. Below, annual global temperatures from 1850-2017 visualized. Guess what red means? [ via Boing Boing: Climate change… Continue Reading →

Impartial and Non-Partisan Dodging

Vox poured over the senate testimony transcripts of both Bart O’Kavanope and Dr. Ford so you don’t have to and created an interactive visualization, color coded for evasiveness. If it didn’t make your brain explode in real time last week,… Continue Reading →

Datavis Bullshit

There’s a lot of BS in datavis, some of it obvious and some of it subtle. Two professors at the University of Washington are tackling it in their new course, Calling Bullshit. I found the essay on their site regarding… Continue Reading →

Partisan bias vs. journalistic quality

A decent breakdown of all things real and fake news. [via Boing Boing]

Unemployed, uneducated? Trumpastic!

Are you white, middle-aged, and knocking on death’s door? Then you probably voted for Trump, according to this county-level analysis of Super Tuesday results by the Washington Post’s Wonkblog. Only 2 are shown here. Click through to see all 9… Continue Reading →

Earth + Venus = something about five-fold symmetry

Just look at it. Just look. [ Posted by redditor iBleeedorange, discovered via boingboing ]

I can see Japan from my backyard

This map demonstrates some fascinating geographical realities. The two that stand out the most: Sarah Palin got something right You can sail due west from Chile and land on Chile [ via boingboing ]

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